
Creative Strategy & Product Positioning

Maruchan Ramen, one of the world’s top CPG ramen brands, sought to launch a rice product for the first time in the United States.  My competitive research showed the crowded field of rice products was noisy and prescriptive. It promised convenience, suggestions for usage occasions, health and sustainability claims, and bold flavors. But our consumer research uncovered that our target increasingly enjoyed customizing rice. They added ingredients, created flavors, and tailored it to specific occasions, tastes, and needs. So, instead of telling our customers that Maruchan rice is one specific thing, we let them “position” it for themselves. That consumer desire was my insight, and my strategy was “make your rice with Maruchan.” Further primary research validated this approach, which enticed customers to develop their own Maruchan rice creations with Maruchan’s help. Our research also uncovered a specific segment most likely to purchase rice from the brand. My strategy directed packaging concepts and it will ultimately lead to a creative campaign and influence future product development. 


Stop & Shop | Creative Strategy


Stop & Shop | Creative Strategy